Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Remove an Oracle ACFS File System and a Volume


Removing an Oracle ACFS File System and a Volume

To permanently remove a volume and Oracle ACFS file system, perform the following steps. These steps destroy the data in the file system.

  1. Deregister the file system with acfsutil registry -d.

    For example:

    $ /sbin/acfsutil registry -d /acfsmounts/acfs1
    acfsutil registry: successfully removed ACFS mount point
       /acfsmounts/acfs1 from Oracle Registry

    Dismount the file system.

  2. For example:

    # /bin/umount /acfsmounts/acfs1

    You must dismount the file system on all nodes of a cluster.

    Remove the file system with acfsutil rmfs.

  3. If you were not planning to remove the volume in a later step, this step is necessary to remove the file system. Otherwise, the file system is removed when the volume is deleted.

    For example:

    $ /sbin/acfsutil rmfs /dev/asm/volume1-123
  4. Optionally you can disable the volume with the ASMCMD voldisable command.

    For example:

    ASMCMD> voldisable -G data volume1

    Delete the volume with the ASMCMD voldelete command.

  5. For example:

    ASMCMD> voldelete -G data volume1

Oracle Book: Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide (E41058-12)

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